Max. 5 Years Old
24-36 Days (RoRo)
RoRo (Monthly)
Inspection Required
The common port in Peru for importation of used vehicles from Japan is Matarani.
Vehicles more than 5 years old are not allowed to be import in the country.
Importation of Left-hand drive vehicles is permitted in the country.
Importation involves many regulatory process, If it is talk about importing of used vehicles then it is important to strict regulations and set standards. Every country do this in order to make sure the reliability if vehicle in terms environment friendly and anti-theft to achieve the regulatory outcome of improved vehicle safety that delivers economic safety.
Peru is a country in South America that’s home to a section of Amazon rainforest and Machu Picchu, an ancient Incan city high in the Andes mountains. Importing here is not a easy task, one have to follow strict regulations. But if you follow the steps described in this article you can easily import your used vehicle. Along with the process involve there is detail informations related to Importing.
Only Right Hand drive vehicles are allowed to import in Peru. There are age restrictions on used vehicles depending upon the vehicle type
For importing a used vehicle from Japan, Importer requires a customs Merchandise Declaration (DAM in Spanish ). A certificate of origin is required to qualify for tariff preferences, To avoid these duties, a certificate of origin is required for products coming from Japan U.S. firms to experience delays clearing products through Customs. If you bought your used vehicle into the country and kept in a bonded warehouse without paying import duties for up to twelve months. During that period, the importer can pay the duties on the vehicles kept in warehouse and clear customs, or re-export the vehicles. This can be done for the entire shipment, or it can be broken down according to the importer’s needs.
Despite of using the WTO custom valuation procedure, SUNAT uses a referential price verification system, It has a database for price consultation of goods from each country, and from different suppliers. This allows for viewing and comparing declared values in commercial invoices and making adjustments to identical or similar merchandise prices that are less expensive than the average. This allows for viewing and comparing declared values in commercial invoices and making adjustments to identical or similar merchandise price that are less expensive than the average. SUNAT accepts discounts, as long as any discount appears on the bill and is unincorporated from the normal sales value, but the reason for the discount should be indicated for approval.
Often, SUNAT requests that the importer provide a Manufacturer’s Price List. This document must be certified by the Peruvian consulate in the country of purchase. This price list should not be addressed specifically to the importer, but rather include general information. This is very important in order to be accepted by SUNAT.
The selective consumption tax is applied on the total of Customs value and Ad/Valorem Customs duties.General sales tax (17%) and the municipal promotion tax (2%) are applied to the total of Customs value, Ad/Valorem CIF Customs duties and Selective Consumption Tax.
For importing used vehicles, it is required to provide on the Unique Customs Declaration the vehicle identification number; the Type-Approval number and registrable details in accordance with Annex V of the National Vehicle Regulations.
Import specifications of Special and Used vehicles indicating the vehicle identification number. Such specifications shall be filled out by the importer of vehicle and undersigned by him/her or his/her legal representative if it is a natural or legal person and a mechanical engineer or electrical mechanic who is a member of a professional association and must be registered before the General Directorate of Land Traffic (DGCT) of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC).
Inspection report in the regular regime or Second Verification Report of Used Vehicles – if it is an importation from CETICOS or ZOFRATACNA, issued by a Certifying Entity authorized by the Ministry of Transport and Communications indicating that the document and physical inspection of vehicle.